Our privacy policy ensures the safety and security to develop immense trust with our customers. The privacy policy of caliweedonlineshop.com works hand in hand with all the purchases done from the website.
  • Our website is built with advanced technologies that protect the information to maintain the transactions. The entire details of the customers are kept confidential and protected with us and remain only between us and the consumers.
  • The details you provide to us are encrypted and we restrict it from sharing with any other third party.
  • In case of any private update, we immediately get in touch with our customers via emails.
  • We do not share customer information for any promotional activities.
  • Children aged below 18 years are restricted from using the website. The data and essential information of people are thus calculated through advanced technologies.
  • We ensure taking stringent actions for fraudulent activities, email spamming, or emails done for marketing purposes.
Cali Weed Online is passionate to protect your privacy. The website comprises of all the necessary information about our products and services to provide 100% assistance.